Register Now for the Andes Summit
Summit Registration is available through the form below for one or two attendees only. If interested in registering more than two guests, or for information about Group rates, special offers and discounts, please contact us.
Registration Deadline is April 15, 2020.
Use the form below to make a $750 deposit to reserve your spot (requires full payment by April 15, 2019)
Join Our Mailing List
Refund Policy
If you must cancel your participation in The Andes Summit, your refund will be as follows:
- Cancel before April 15th - 50% return - Less $240 Processing Fee
- Cancel before May 15th, 25% return - Less $240 Processing Fee
- No refunds after May 15th, 2019
All cancellations must be made in writing before May 15th, 2019
Work Scholarships
The Andes Summit offers a limited number of partial work-based Scholarships. Please submit a letter to this email with a bio and request by March 15, 2019. Let us know what skills you can offer. Include your specific interest in the Summit and contact information. We will get back to you. Youth 18-25 are encouraged to apply.